Actual Case Studies

Case Number 5

A 30 year old black female (the only African-American female in these case studies) was referred by Planned Parenthood because of a left breast mass found 2 weeks previously. The patient reported that the area of the mass was a little sore, but she had not noted any change in size of the mass. An exam revealed several lesions that felt like a bunch of grapes or beads, most prominent in the upper inner quadrant. Nodes palpated in the left axilla were less prominent than in the right axilla, where one large node was felt. The patient had been taking Ortho Novum 1+50 for 8 years, although she had been on birth control pills for a total of about 17 years.

A mammogram was done. The left breast showed no discrete mass but a large area in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast contained innumerable tiny calcifications. This area did not present as a distinct mass.

Surgery was performed and an area was excised between 9 to 11 o'clock, skin to fascia, but revealed no defined mass. Frozen section showed papillomatosis, suspicious of malignancy. Permanent sections showed carcinoma which was intraductal and well differentiated. The patient was transferred to Halifax Hospital for surgery for residual tumor throughout the breast. Lymph nodes were negative.

The receptor values were as follows: Estrogen receptor-80 Femoles, Progesterone receptor-41 Femoles.

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