Actual Case Studies

Case Number 14

The patient was a 59 year old white female who had been examined by her oncologist/internist in February 1984 and had been taught breast self examination. The patient found a small mass in her left breast on 04/20/84. A subsequent mammogram revealed the mass with no calcification, but with spicule formation suspicious of malignancy. Hormone history included patient use of Premarin 1.25mg for many years.

On exam, the right breast appeared normal. The left breast contained an indefinite mass in the upper outer quadrant, not hard or fixed. The patient underwent surgery and the mass was noted to involve the pectoral fascia and infiltration into the muscle.

The diagnosis was: Infiltrating duct cell carcinoma of the left breast with no positive axillary nodes. Pathology also noted fibrocystic disease with apocrine metaplasia with sclerosing adenosis.

Receptor values- Estrogen- 16 Femoles, Progesterone- 69 Femoles.

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