Selling Strategies

Have you ever heard a salesperson brag about his or her ability to close sales? A sales professional with a good "closing ratio" has always been held in high regard, but what does a good "closing ratio" actually tell the sales manager?

If an average person gives one hundred sales presentations to "qualified" prospects (in other words prospects that have a definite need and desire for the product or service, the ability to pay, and are decision makers) the average person will have a great "closing ratio".

Suppose a super hero and powerful "closer" talks to one hundred "unqualified" prospects (that is, people that don't need, can't use, can't afford, and aren't even decision makers) this dynamic salesperson will have a terrible "closing ratio".

What this suggests is that a great "closing ratio" is in reality a measurement that shows the ability to "prospect". The real skill in selling is finding people that genuinely need or want, and can pay for, your product or service! When you're a master prospector it isn't necessary to use "high pressure" tactics, you don't experience rejection as often, you make more sales and earn more money! It's good business sense to learn and apply good prospecting techniques... right?

High Pressure Sales Tactics!

© 1997 Leadership Management Development Center, Inc.

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